I grew up in an Irish family with a love of stories. From the moment I could string words together, I was the writer in the family. It was in my DNA.
In my twenties, I held all sorts of jobs to support my writing habit. In my thirties, I joined a team of talented communications professionals at Mount Royal College (now Mount Royal University), in Calgary. For the next decade, I wrote everything from video scripts to speeches to feature articles for the in-house newsletter and various in-house magazines. Concurrently, I taught Writing for Publication, a course in the Professional Writing Program, and several continuing education courses.
In the years following, I freelanced for newspapers and magazines throughout Alberta. In 2004, my husband, Bob, and I left Calgary for beautiful Invermere, British Columbia. I soon found myself profiling local artists and writing about real estate (an odd pairing, I know) for the Columbia Valley Pioneer.
My first literary novel, Echo Lane, is available on Amazon Books. It also can be ordered directly from Stonehhouse Publishing, in Edmonton, Alberta. Echo Lane is the first of what will eventually be a trilogy of novels based in the fictional town of Lazy River, Ontario (near Peterborough). Part fictional memoir, part mystery, Echo Lane will keep you guessing until the end.
Contact me at sakelly@shaw.ca